giovedì 9 settembre 2010


La corteccia cerebrale.

La corteccia cerebrale
dovrebbe essere
il rivestimento del cervello
di un albero.
di Manlio Visintini - 2000

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The cerebral bark
should be
the protective covering of the brain
of a tree.

by Manlio Visintini - 2000

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"Pian Grande - Castelluccio di Norcia" - Umbria.

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mercoledì 8 settembre 2010

Maravillas de la Creacion.

My Lightbrothers on my star: Alpha Centauri.
Homage to my friend Giorgio Bongiovanni, with Holy Stigmata.

Reality inside the alien world.

"Meraviglie della creazione"

Un giorno lontano
gli Angeli colsero
zaffiri blu notte,
cresciuti ai lati
della Scala di Giacobbe,
gettandoli sulla Terra.

Ecco perchè
crebbero viole,
e fiori celesti.

Un Cherubino
si ferì la mano,
accarezzando le punte
della stella di Davide.

Ne uscì
vermiglia goccia
che volò sui prati.

Così nacquero
le rose rosse.


by Manlio Visintini - 2000

martedì 29 giugno 2010

Homage to Joerg Haider.

Inside the corners of heart!
TRIESTE, Sissi & Love.

"Miramare Castle", the Tower

"Meditation at dawn"

"Fashination of solitude"

Old Austria, old Trieste.
The colors of soul.

"Cavana by night"


Herz und Wein.

Bienen und Rosen,
Adler und Honig,
warme Goetterdaemmerung spielt
seine letzte Musik,
blaue Erinnerungen
verschwinden so ploetzlich,
neue Blumen frei wie Mondschein
so gluecklich,
so nackt, 



Translation by Manlio Visintini

(Homage to my great friend Joerg Haider, Klagenfurt)

giovedì 17 giugno 2010

Moments and Poetry.

Trieste dreaming.
So beautiful, by night.

"Trieste, heart's lights"

Homage to N.Y. Band
"Young Bloods"

Red Sun
so crazy,
...kisses new Moon.
Yellow bee is drunk
...inside the rose,
crystaldrops and goldstars
dancing between the colors
of my soul,
...violet eyes
of a green desire,
so far now, full Moon.

by Manlio Visintini 2010

(to my friends "Young Bloods" - New York)

sabato 5 giugno 2010


Homage to Luisia Lalovich.
Great painter in Duino.

"Luisia Lalovich" 2010

Duino, landscape at afternoon.

"Works by Luisia"

Inside the space of my heart...


Duino is a magic diamant.
But now, between our hands!

"Duino" - Trieste Coast

...Stardust at sunset,
new stars shining,
blue fish flying on sea,
red Moon loves
somebody sometimes,
identified dreams
coming sure
so colored,
...from Duino.

by Manlio Visintini - 2010

Poem is a Homage to Mrs. Luisia Lalovich.


martedì 1 giugno 2010

Mystic Poetry.

My old Master, Jesus Christ.
To my brothers Khlysti, Siberia.

"E' stato detto: non tenterai il Signore, Dio tuo."

I add:  "and His Messengers, as the subscribe."

(Gospel Luca 4,1 - 13)

(Homage to my spiritual friend Grigorij Rasputin.)

P.S.  Post Scriptum -  Best Regards to my Observers from Moscow, russian Federation, so great and fine Agents behind that monitor.
                                                            Manlio, the Alien.


No mind, no questions.
Only pure at heart.

"My winged brother Michele, winner on Satan." 


An Angel is my gold mine.

"Gabriel, handsome boy of Paradise"

So, i feel God

Pioggia di stelle,
frecce d'oro brillano
sul nero cosmo,
Arcangeli e Cherubini
cantano in estasi l'Arca
 ...del bastone d'Aronne,
nubi di diamanti e zaffiri
vagano lassù
come clochards ubriachi
tra mille galassie accese,
...mio rosso cuore
nel profumo di Dio
s'infiamma e arde,

by Manlio Visintini - 2010

(to Giorgio Valenzin, Alberto Hesse, Anna Faucitano)

sabato 29 maggio 2010

The painter Paul Kozmann.

Homage to Paul Kozmann.
Mini Portfolio in Trieste.

"Paul Kozmann" 2007

The sea of Trieste, at sunset.
The Poetry of landscape.

"Lights on water" 2007

View from Red Bridge.

"Afternoon with boats" 2007

Trieste, solitude and freedom.

"Trieste 2007"

Paul Kozmann is
a big painter
and big heart.


...Watercolours mixed
between tears,
twilight is now
on the beach,
an other young Sun
is born on canvass,
crystal kisses
coming down
with the stars,

by Manlio Visintini - 2010

Dedicated to my great friend
Paul Kozmann.